Homemade Rolls

Family lore relates that when visiting my grandparents at the age of 8, I requested that Granny make her fabulous yeast rolls. Granny replied that she was too tired to make them that year. Ever the empathic pragmatist, I responded, "How about you take a nap, and then make them?" The recipe for these yeast rolls is a hybrid of Granny's recipe, Sharon's Stickier buns from the cookbook Butter Sugar Flour Eggs , and Deb Perelman's cheddar cheese swirl buns from Smitten Kitchen Cookbook . My recipe is published as a science experiment in my first book, Awesome Kitchen Science Experiments . As the book approaches its 4-year birthday (!), I'm finally exercising the part of my author contract that allows me to publish a bit of its contents. However, I've changed the recipe a bit - adding more flour and some ideas for how to have fun with the dough. I hope you find these rolls as delicious and cozy as I do. Tools: 2-cup heat-proof liquid measuring cup Mi...