Social Emotional Distance Learning

If you're a teacher like me, you're already going a little bonkers from kid withdrawal. How can we nurture that connection - that spark - that makes learning and teaching so compelling and rewarding - when we're only communicating within the abstract realm of digital - or analog - correspondence? Here are a few of the prompts my colleagues and I are posting to connect with our Crews at Open World Learning Community (OWL). Reading my kids' responses has been my CPR, my Comedy Central, and my calming breath. To all my colleagues out there, be strong, be brave, and be there for your kids, in silliness and in sweetness. Share a Link : Post a link to a website, online game, or video stream that you’ve been visiting while you’re at home & say why you like it. 20 Questions : Think of an animal, plant, food, household object, job, well-known person, or famous place. Post a discussion reply saying, "I'm thinking of a..." and then say the category. F...